Monday, April 03, 2006


A lot has been ruminating around in Alex's little mind lately. He's 5 and apparently is hitting one of those spurts in growth you see happening simultaneously with the body and the mind.

In addition to being hungry all the time and his pants starting to look like ankle-wipers, recently on the way to school, he asked me who were going to be the new people when this world is over. Like the old people were the dinosaurs and now they're gone and we're the new people. He wanted to know who are going to be the new kind of people on earth when our kind of people people are all gone?

The same day he a generational epiphany. You know, like you and Papai had me, and one day I'm going to have a baby, and they're going to grow up and one day they're going to have a baby....

Also, a lot of questions about what is really real and what isn't. (And the frequent "truth stretching" that goes along with that confusion). Like..."everything that's on TV is real, right?" "No." And then, "everything that's NOT A CARTOON on TV is real, right?"

Apparently a pal of his who has already crossed this threshold, along with his 8 year old sister, convinced Alex that they have special magic powers to move things with their minds, without touching anything with their hands at all. He spent 15 frustrated minutes at home the same afternoon with raised palms, trying to summon the same magical powers.

I asked him if he actually saw them use these powers. He said no, that they said they couldn't do it in front of other people because it might embarrass them. (Slick!) So now he's going to ask them to give him a demo in private.

April fools day came at the right time this year.