Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Carlos' car didn't float away like we expected. We thought sure it would have risen up and broken out the terrarium kitchen window, floated toward the street, and maybe over into Pratt Park or down Pratt Drive.

But it was parked exactly where we left it in the carport, next to the intact kitchen window, completely covered in baked-on Katrina effluent. The undoubtedly awful odor inside was completely undetectable from outside, thank you Honda.

Odessa, my '95 4-Runner, lived up to her name on our 2300 mile cross-country trek. She's always been good to us -- a loyal and trusty friend. She's probably got another good 90K left on her engine, but it remains to be seen whether she will ever again fulfill her most important duty: to be our hurricane evacuation vehicle. She's high, dry and tough. She can climb high curbs and park in the grass without getting stuck, even in a New Orleans flash flood. She's not too big and almost big enough.

Before Alex came along we could get ourselves, the Weimaraner, the German Shepard and a small amount of valuables inside. The clothes, sleep gear and lifetime photos went on top. Once Alex came along the photos had to stay behind. (This time Katrina tried to claim the photos, but came up 3" short).

Oh, and did I mention that Odessa is beautiful? 14 MPG is a small price to pay for a gal like that ($600 in gas from Alexandria to Portland). S

So far we've done just fine with only her, but the handwriting is on the wall: $5-a-gallon gas and a stir-crazy husband.

* * * * *
In the New Seasons grocery parking lot the other day I saw four Toyota Priuses. Two of the exact same model and shade of blue sat right next to each other. A white one nearby and a silver one across the lot. Every time I stop at either Walgreen's or New Seasons (they share the same lot) I see at least one Prius, sometimes a Civic hybrid.

In New Orleans I saw not a one -- ever.

Hybrid counting. If I end up playing I'll post the results. Hybrid clustering? There must be some solid social indicators in there.

Personify means to assign a human quality to an object. What about the other way around? Hybrid is a good way to peg us these days: feeling so at home here in a place that is so... possible, and yet home feeling so far away and improbable.